Geometry training
Oct 24, 2018 • Måns Magnusson
Geometry, geometry, is very hard to code. It’s very easy to miss an edge case, get a floating point rounding error or just assume something that does not hold in general.
Some geometry problems are although very standard, for example calculating the convex hull of a set of points, which is a very common step in geometric problems. It’s also easy if you’ve already done it before. However it is also easy to become tricked into thinking a geometry problem is easy, making the team spend hours trying to find the bugs, while they could have solved 2 other problems that seemed harder. Therefore we did a specific training on geometry. I put together 15 different geometry problems, 3 were quite easy, 3 medium and the rest of the problems i consider pretty hard: likely that less than 20 out of 200+ teams would solve it at NCPC.
Within the first 30 minutes from __future__ import solution
solved the 2 easiest problems, then they started with one of the problems I considered hard.
solved two other problems, but both involving lines pretty fast as well. Apparently iiiii
are experts at lines, however when the problems only involves points it seems to become harder. After a while they found the easy problems. The last problem they solved they got a weird wrong answer. The code was really simple, what could go wrong? When casting a long to a double in java, precision is lost, from 63
bits to 53
, this means that when dividing a long, with the double 2.0
the error can become of the size of a tenth of a unit. This meant the code of iiiii
probably printed x.4
or x.6
when the correct answer was x.5
. The solution to this problem was to produce the string to be printed by hand with integer division and then append ".0"
if even or ".5"
if odd. Or one can use python, which from __future__ import solution
After 5 hours, from __future__ import solution
managed to solve 6 problems, missing 2 problems easier problems, while trying (but failing) to solve 2 problems that felt easy, but were harder. A useful lesson, especially during a competition that doesn’t matters!
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